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How To Make Any 3D Object Printable

The Easy Way


Making Objects Printable with Magic Fix

In this article, you’ll learn how to find and fix the most common cause of a 3D object that won’t print.
You’ll also see how a SelfCAD tool will lower your 3D printing costs and save your 3D design.

You know the story about the guy who spent weeks searching for the perfect piece of furniture to fit his
nook. He walked into the 100th store, found exactly what he wanted, forked over a fortune, and then
waited patiently for the delivery. When the truck arrived, the man watched excitedly as two men carried
the large but elegant unit up the 
steps... .and it wouldn’t fit through the front door.

Did that ever happen in your 3D printing experience? You designed something awesome. It took hours
(or minutes—Good job!). But. It. Just. Wouldn’t. Print.

There are plenty of reasons a 3D model won’t print, but the most common is an overlooked flaw in the
design. Let’s learn how to address it.

Add Volume

For a printer to recognize a 3D model, the model needs to be “watertight.” That means there can’t be
any gaps in the lines so that if you were somehow able to pour water inside, the water would not leak
out. Technically speaking, this is called “manifold.”

To make sure your design is manifold, you must give your edges some depth, or thickness. Doing this will
add volume to the inner area of your 3D model. It doesn’t matter whether the model is solid or hollow.


Once you add volume, the 3d printer will recognize your 3D model and it should print. (Of course, make
sure the thickness of your line weight is a multiple of the actual printing material.) Watch this video.













Simple, right? SelfCAD makes it even simpler. . .

Click Magic Fix

If your printer does not recognize your design when you click “Print,” don’t worry.* 


(*Don’t worry if you are using SelfCAD, that is.)

SelfCAD gives you the Magic Fix icon.             This proprietary tool will analyze your design, identify any
problems, and rebuild these areas a new so that your 3d model stays intact—and is able to be printed. One
and done with a click.


But wait, there’s more. Hold onto your 3D modeled hat. . .




From the Web to 3D Model in a Few Clicks
Magic fix make printable
Magic fix make printable

Magic Fix also helps make it easier to convert a 2D image into a 3D model. You can upload an image
from the web and use the image generator to take it from flat to 3D. Simply click Magic Fix each time
you need to repair a line or perfect what you’ve done so far.

That’s another feature of this amazing tool.


Depending on the object you’re printing, you may want it to be hollow. Many people achieve this by
resorting to putting a hole in their design. It does not have to be this way!


Next Step - Avoid punching a whole in your 3D object.


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